
Monday, June 14, 2021

Litter Clean-Up

So today our social studies teacher divided us into groups of 4. The 4 groups have to go pick up rubbish and the group with the most rubbish wins a prize. I personally think that my group picked up the most rubbish. I was surprised by how much rubbish was around the school and I think students around our school hid under bushes and under trees, and didn't even bother to put it in the rubbish pin. I hope that people will take care of our environment and I want the people to know that littering can damage and ruin our environment.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Different types of gas experiments

The Pop test 
Metal + Acid
- metal + sulfuric acid = metal salt + hydrogen.

-to show that hydrogen gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid

-test tube
-boiling tube
-bunsen burner
-wooden splint
-bottle of acid
-a piece of metal
-safety glasses

- light the bunsen burner
- add ou sample of metal to your test tube. Add 2 ml of acid
- carefully invert the boiling tube above the test tube containing the metal and acid.
- hold the test tubes together for a few minutes, allowing time for the inverted boiling tube to fill with gas.
- when you think the tube is full, you lab partner should light a wooden splint
- carefully, but quickly, tilt the boiling tube full of gas upwards and insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube.

- when we light the wooden splint with fire and put in the mouth of the tube it made a sound a popping sound.
Glowing Splint
Metal + Oxygen
metal oxide + hydrogen peroxide = Metal hydroxide + oxygen

-to make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants

-a piece of magnesium
-bunsen burner
-safety glasses
-metal scissor tongs

-light the bunsen burner
-hold the piece of magnesium in the scissor tongs. Ensure you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium.
-place the other end of the magnesium into the bunsen flame(at the top of the blue flame)
-when the magnesium begins to burn, do not look directly at it, as the light emitted can permanently damage your eyes

We fire the magnesium and then it burn up into a real bright light for a few second. Then after that it turn into a white powder and its silver, grey, and kinda soft.
Lime water test
Metal Carbonate + Acid
metal carbonate + acid = metal salt + water + Carbondioxide

-to show that carbon dioxide gas is produced when a metal carbonate reacts with acid

-2 boiling tube
-delivery tube and bung
-bunsen burner
-test tube rack
-wooden splint
-bottle of acid
-small amount of metal carbonate
-test tube tongs
-safety glasses

-light the bunsen burner
-add a 'pea-sized' amount of the metal carbonate into one of the boiling tubes
-place this boiling tube into a test tube rack, ensure you have the bung and delivery
-add 5 mL of acid to the boiling tube and quickly insert the bung and delivery tube into the mouth of the boiling tube
-holding the other boiling tube with your tongs, capture the gas produced.
-when you think the tube is full your lab partner should light a wooden splint.
-carefully remove the boiling tube from under the delivery tube, taking care to keep it facing upright.
-insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube.

As soon we connected the lime water and the metal carbonate and acid with the delivery tube it reacted at that time. The lime water change its colour and its kinda like cloudy then back to it original colour.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Trashing Our Planet

What is the the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and where is it? 

-the great pacific patch is gradually as a result of ocean or marine pollution gathered by oceans currents. It occupies a relatively stationary region of the North Pacific Ocean bounded by the North Pacific Gyre in the horse latitudes. It is located near Japan and the Eastern Garbage Patch.

How is it impacting the environment in a negative way?

-because the Great Pacific Patch and plastic pollution generally, is killing marine life. Seabirds and marine mammals are affected every year as well as many other species. For example: turtle often mistake plastic bag for prey such as jellyfish.

What is being done to help with this problem?

-Reuse plastic and try something new with it or create something with plastic that you can used. Stop throwing rubbish in the sea cause it is affecting marine animals and many other species in the sea.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 Problem about plastic pollution?

-Plastic pollution is the most common problem affecting the environment. It also threaten, ocean health, food safety and quality, human health, coastal tourism, and contributes to climate change. Plastic bottles which is the worst plastic is typically made from crude oil. These pollute the environment and pollute the air we breathe.

 What we could do to fix it?

-The best way is to reuse an single use plastic that you do not need. For examples (eg):takeout containers, straws, plastic bags, and purchasing, and carrying with you reuseable version of those product, including reusable grocery bags, produse bag, bottles, coffee cups.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Bob Geldof

Bob Geldolf

 In the 1970´s Bob Geldolf was a Irish songwriter, a singer and a political activist. He was born on the 5 of October 1951. He was famous for writing the song [ I don't like Mondays] and as the prominence  lead singer of the Irish rock band the Boomtown Rats in the late 1970´s. They achieved popularity at the time of the punk rock movement. Bob Geldolf worth $150 Million. His nationality, Republic of Ireland. 

Bob Geldolf was involved in Live Aid because the original events was organised by Bob Geldolf himself and Midge Ure to raise funds for relief of the the 1983 to 1985 in Ethiopia. Because the organisers of Live Aid tried, but there was no success. To run aid efforts directly, channelling millions of pounds to NGOs in Ethiopia. 

Midge Ure

In the 1974´s Midge Ure was a singer and a song writer. He was born on the 10 October 1953. Midge Ure was famous for writing the song [Do they know its Christmas]. He joined the band called Ultravox in 1980. He helped the band became a mainstream success during the time when he also became a producer and making records with Steve Harley and Modern Man.

Midge Ure was involved in Live aid as a trustee for the charity. He is a father to four girls and continues to perform regularly. But like many people of a certain age, Midge Ure has had reinvent him. The song which Midge Ure written Do they know its Christmas, featuring a variety of 80ś pop star performing in the studio, soon inspired an even bigger effort: the dual Live Aid concerts, and it has become a success for Live Aid to raise funds to help Ethiopia.

Do they know its Christmas.

The song means for us to think of those who are living in poverty and Hunger in Africa during the Christmas season, reminding us that they might not even know itś Christmas.

Live Aid

On the same day, concerts inspired by the initiative happened in other countries, such as Australia and Germany. Live aid was  <<The Global Jukebox>> and was held on 13 of July 1985, simultaneously, in Wembley Stadium (London, UK) and John F.Kennedy  (Stadium Philadelphia, USA) . The event was organised by Bob Geldolf and Midge Ure, to raise funds for relief of the ongoing Ethiopian famine and fight the poverty in Africa.

It was one of the largest-scale satellite link ups and television broadcast of all time. An estimated 2 billion viewers, across 60 countries, watched the live broadcast.  

Live Aid

Choose a song from Live Aid?

- the song I'm choosing is Do they Know it's Christmas.

Explain why you think the artist used that song for their performance?

- Because the song means for people to think of those who are living in poverty and Hunger in africa. During the Christmas season, the song reminds the people that they might not know its Christmas.

Do you think one person could start a similar concert in 2020. Explain your reasoning (Live Aid took 10 weeks to organised)

-Yes because if there's any other program like Live Aid i think so. There's a lot of company that helps people who in need. So if there's a person like a american singer, or a like a popular star who wants to perform a live concerts to raise funds to help people in need then there is one.

Link of the song Do they know its Christmas

Do they Know Its Christmas    

How significant is music and musicians today affecting change in the world (Include examples)

-It can help in healing, in breaking down barriers and borders, in reconciling, and it can also educate. As a cultural right, music can help promote and protect other humans right( civil political, economic or social). There are amazing examples of music being used as a tool for social change around the world and reunite us all people. 



-Rock and Roll and many more other kind of music.


 An artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface cut pictures from magazines to make a collage. b : a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements the album is a collage of several musical styles.

The definition of a collage is a piece of art created by combining photos, clippings or small objects onto a surface. An example of a collage is a picture of a flower made with many pictures of friends and family.

So this is my Collage that i made:

This is my ideas of what to draw or paint on it :

This is my last process : 
The focal point is the bird because it s colour stands out of the colour that I choose to paint my collage with.