
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Music Through Time

 PARIHAKA - Parihaka Song 

What is the main message of this song?

-way to remember what happen to Parihaka years ago.

What line explains their passive resistance method?

-his children's children wearing the albatross feather, and so take me for the sins of these sad islands

What does 'you can't pull out the roots' refer to?

-it says you can't change our culture and our original people

Give evidence of their determination?

-Rise up defend yourself never give in

Look to the sky the spirit of Te Whiti

The endless tide is murmuring his name

How does this song show the significance of Parihaka?

-because the song explain what happen to the people and how they dealt with it and  between Maori and Pakeha the government decimate the settlement to prevent war. After that the Waitangi tribunal allow Maori to mover on and to accept what happen in the past.

What makes an event Significant?

-Remember, it includes those that resulted in great change over long periods of time for large numbers of people

How many people are affect?

-Everyone that was lived back then and their families members that live now

How long were people affected?

- people are still affected by what happen years ago and they will continue to be affected by this for years.

To what extent are people affected?

- Mentally, emotionally and spiritually

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