
Friday, March 12, 2021


White Sunday

How is white Sunday celebrated?

-In our cultural we celebrated White Sunday by learning you own kauloko and re-doing old stories about Jesus and learning a dance so that we can end our little skits 

Who is celebrated with?

-with parents and the Pastor and his wife and your whole family

Why is this important to celebrate?

The day is for parents and communities to acknowledge and celebrate childhood by hosting special programs during church services which include scriptural recitations, biblical story reenactments, and creative dance performances


How is Christmas celebrated?

-Christmas in Samoa can begin months in advance to build up to the annual event called “13 Days to Christmas”. These 13 days are filled with choirs singing Christmas carols and dramas being performed in the village of Vaitele-Uta. Christmas day begins with church and a remembrance of the miracle of Christ's birth.

Who is celebrated with?

- After church families will open presents, eat food, and play game such as kilikiti or volleyball.

Why is Christmas important to celebrated?

because Christmas is important to many Christians because it reminds them that Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth for all people.

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