
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The last Post

When do you hear this song?

- well you usually hear this song when there is a Military funerals. It is played when there's like a soldier who died just to show that his duty as a soldier is final over and she or he can Rest In Peace

Why is this song significant/important to New Zealand?

- because the song Last Post it's call that signifies the end of the day's activities. Its also sounded at military funerals to show that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at commemorative services such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance.

What is the history behind the Last Post?- Why was it played and when?

- it was originated with the British troops stationed in the Netherlands, where it drew on an older Dutch custom, called taptoe, from which comes the term tattoo as in Military tattoo. The taptoe as well also used to alert the end of the day, but originated form a signal that beer taps had to be shut, hence that the day had ended.

Why was it played and when?

- the Last Post is played at military funerals and memorial services as a last goodbye and represent that the duty of the dead soldier is over and that they can Rest In Peace

What does this song represent?

It the 19th century the song Last Post was carried to the various country of British Empire. All these countries , it has been include in the military funerals, and it played as a like a farewell showing the fact that the duty of the dead soldier is over and that they can Rest In Peace

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